Sopping Solo Saunter

It is February 1st tomorrow which means that there are just over 3 months to go until the Marathon – it is starting to feel very real and I am getting excited! I have been kicking up the fundraising efforts this past week and I have secured a date, time and venue for my Silent Auction Fundraiser. It is going to be held on Saturday, February 18th at the Moon Under Water Brew Pub in Victoria. I have been collecting auction items, but there is still room for more, so please let me know if you have something you would like to donate to be auctioned off! Every little bit helps! Here is the flyer for the event – in true Scope colours, I hope you like it!

This past week I was in Port McNeill for work for two days, so on those days I had to do my runs inside on a treadmill!! I quickly discovered why I prefer to run outside, as an hour and 10 minutes on a treadmill is somewhat tedious. I did have headphones connected to a small tv screen on the treadmill (how advanced); however, it was not quite the same as breathing fresh outdoor air and treading on new turf. That said, I chose to run inside as there had been a cougar sighting in the area and I wasn’t prepared to take the risk – most of you know my history with wild animals!

By Friday, I was back in Victoria with a whole new appreciation for my outdoor, cougar-free running routes. Chris was my training partner on Saturday, but for my Sunday long run, I did it solo in the pouring rain as Heather was over in Vancouver. I had to do 29km, so I made my way east along Finlayson, through Fernwood and along Haultain out to Beach Drive. I stayed along Beach Drive along the water, as it turned into Dallas Road, all the while still running in the pouring rain. I cranked the tunes on the IPod and tried to keep things upbeat, but the streets were quiet, and I had moments of feeling quite lonesome – it sure made me appreciate my usual running partners!! I headed around the water around James Bay, back through downtown and over the Johnson Street Bridge, and headed into Esquimalt and then up to Tillicum Road, where I crossed back over towards the Galloping Goose trail, and then made my way back home. As it had poured the entire run, my hair had once again wound itself into a nice rat’s nest (photo evidence below). You think I would have learned from last time! But alas, no.

This weekend I am off to Mt.Baker for some skiing…. cross training!! I will try to take lots of pics! Until then, signing off!

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