One week to go…

It is hard to believe that a week from today, I will have completed the London marathon, achieving a dream that I have had for so many years. After months of long training runs in the rain, sleet, wind and snow, all that sits between me and this dream are a work day, a ferry, plane, subway and train (and maybe a double decker bus or two)! Chris and I fly out of Vancouver on Wednesday evening and arrive in London at 10:30am UK time on the Thursday morning, so it should give me enough time to get over any jet-lag and hopefully feel rested up for the Sunday morning run. Did I mention I am nervous?!! For those of you are awake next Sunday morning at about 1:45am Canadian time, you can track me online, my bib number is 46,836.

It has been a journey and as I get closer to my marathon destination, I realize that I could not have got to this point without the love and support of so many wonderful people. To my incredible friends and family who have donated time, energy as well as silent auction items and funds in support of Scope, I thank you! With your donations, we have managed to raise nearly 3,000 British Pounds in support of a great cause that gives people with disabilities the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest. And to my training partners, a special thanks to all of you who have been a constant source of motivation and support along the way, not to mention keeping me strong and hydrated (thanks Kat)! A special shout out to my Sunday long run training partner Heather, with whom I have shared many a mile and who is doing her own fundraising in support of Lupus research, advocacy and awareness – an autoimmune disease that has affected her on a personal level – I cherish all of our miles laughter and stories – thank you sista! (Check out Heather’s blog at: To my amazing parents, who have encouraged and supported me along the way and who worked their magic at the silent auction – you guys rule! And finally, a huge thanks to my incredible husband Chris, who patiently supports this affair I have with running, and will be cheering me along on Sunday, reminding me to “hammer down” and make it all count.


I will make sure to do a post run report and let you know how I made out, but until then, please send me your healthy, speedy, strong running vibes when you go to bed on Saturday night.

Now, let’s run! xx J

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